April 24, 2017 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners:
This has been one of the hottest Spring’s in the RGV for some time. We have been setting new High Temperature records all month. Luckily, a Blue Texas Northern blew through Saturday night and dropped the night time temperatures down into the 50’s, at least for a couple of days. The weather prognosticators have forecasted that the RGV will be back in the mid 90’s by Tuesday.
This one is for our Ag Producers.
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming events:
- Sugarcane Growers Seminar/Field Day
Rio Farms, Inc. will be hosting a Sugarcane Seminar/Field Day 2017 on Thursday, April 27, 2017,
In Cooperation with Rio Grande Valley Sugar Growers Inc., USDA-ARS, LSU AgCenter, University of Florida, Florida Sugar Cane League, American Sugar Cane League,Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and UTRGV. Agenda is attached.
Date: Thursday April 27, 2017
Time: 9:00 A.M.
Place: Rio Farms, Inc. Monte Alt
- Vector Management Workshop
April 28th, from 8:30 am-3:00 pm at San Benito County Annex, 1390 W. Expressway 83, San Benito, TX
This Workshop is designed to train Personnel in cities and municipalities that are in the field of mosquito abatement or are working on setting up a mosquito control program. The workshop will educate personnel on mosquito identification, biology, ecology, control tactics, trap use, surveillance, virus testing, Zika and mosquito control. There is no charge for Registration and Lunch is provided. Agenda is attached. Please contact Dr. Enrique Perez, Cameron County Extension Office at 956-361-8236 or register Online at livestockvetento.tamu.edu/2017-workshop/
- Vegetable Crops Field Day
Texas AgriLife Research & Extension is hosting a Field Day focusing on Vegetable crops on May 11, 2017, from 8:30 am-1:00pm at the Center located at 2415 E. Business 83, Weslaco, TX 78596. Topics will include Tomato Research, Insect Pests & Vectors, Brassica, Drone demonstrations and more. You must RSVP by April 26, 2017 to attend. Agenda is attached. RSVP @: annette.reed@ag.tamu.edu
Looking ahead,
Jaime Flores