January 26, 2017 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners:
We have been very busy addressing stakeholder comments, meeting individually with stakeholders, and adding additional content to the Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) since our last meeting in June. I am pleased to present a full draft of the Update to the Arroyo Colorado WPP for your review. Please provide me with your written comments by February 10, 2017. In addition, I would like to invite you to a Partnership Steering Committee Meeting on February 16, 2017 (See full announcement below) from 2-5 pm to discuss your comments. We are planning to publish the WPP by June 2017 so this is one of your final opportunities to provide your comments. Once your comments are received we will work to address and then send out one last final draft and opportunity for everyone’s review in the Spring. A meeting will then be conducted for Steering Committee’s final approval to publish the WPP.
Thanks again for all the input you have provided during this update and I hope to see you at the meeting February 16, 2017.
*Arroyo Colorado Partnership Steering Committee Meeting Announcement*
Meeting to be held on February 16, 2017 from 2 - 5
The Arroyo Colorado Watershed Partnership will be hosting an Arroyo Colorado Steering Committee meeting on February 16, 2017 from 2-5 pm at The Estero Llano Grande World Birding Center located at 3301 S. FM 1015 at Pauraque Hall in the rear of the park. We will be discussing the latest draft of the Update to the Arroyo Colorado WPP. The draft Update is almost complete and we need stakeholder feedback to finalize the draft. Your input is extremely important so make plans to attend. I hope to see y’all there.
Jaime Flores, P.G.