May 12, 2017 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners:
Temperatures and humidity have been way there making it feel like the middle of summer for the last month. They are predicting some rain triggered by a cold front that should be making it’s way to the Valley tonight and into tomorrow leaving beautiful weather conditions for Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the Mom’s out there!
I want to announce a new E&O pilot program we have put together; “The Arroyo Colorado Watershed Project-Protecting our Water Resources” Webinar Series. We have partnered with Region One Education Service Center to provide the webinar series to educators in the watershed. The first webinar workshop will be held May 16, 2017. The Webinar Sessions Schedule (Repeat Sessions) is 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 2:30 p.m., Target Audience-Teachers Grades 4-12. There is no fee to participate in the webinar series but you must contact Barbara S. Grayson, Coordinator for Center for eLearning at bgrayson@esc1.net (956) 984-6035 or Jennifer Cantu, Program Assistant at jecantu@esc1.net (956) 984-6125 to register.
This is the first in a series of webinars about the Arroyo Colorado Watershed Project facilitated by the Center for eLearning. Each webinar will enable you, as a teacher, to learn about the following topics:
- What is a Watershed?- Basic Definitions and Concepts
- Watersheds in Texas-Will cover River and Coastal Basins in Texas and then focus on the Arroyo Colorado
- How do Texans Use Watersheds?-Will cover land use and land cover and how that affects the watershed and water quality.
- Principles of Watershed Hydrology-Basic Hydrology Principles, the Water Cycle, Stormwater-where does it go?
- Natural Watershed Functions and Features-Teachers will receive a curriculum package which will include lesson plans, projects, and other resources upon successful completion of the webinar series
We are really excited about being able to provide this webinar series and hope that we can educate as many teachers and students living and working in the watershed about the watershed they live in; The Arroyo Colorado Watershed. It is ours and it is the only one we have so be sure to: Know it, Respect it and Enjoy it.
Jaime Flores