November 20, 2018 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners,
It has been a mild and wet Fall here in the Rio Grande Valley. Right now it is perfect weather to be outside enjoying nature before the colder winter weather arrives.
I have attached the Arroyo Colorado Partnership Fall Newsletter. There are updates on several ACWPP Implementation projects. Please review. I also have printed copies at my office for anyone needing Outreach & Education materials for any cities with an MS4 Stormwater program for schools or any of our partners that want them. I printed out 1,000 so there should be plenty to go around. If need any, please contact me so I can coordinate how to get the newsletters to you.
I also wanted to let you know that you will be receiving an email from Mail Chimp requesting you sign up for the Fall Arroyo Colorado Partnership Newsletter. That is from the Partnership. We are trying to use Mail Chimp distribute the newsletter electronically but we have to have people sign up for it. We cannot import or use the current listserve list for the Partnership because there are too many old, non-functioning emails in our list. So please subscribe so you can receive it and this will also help us clean up our listserve list. I have already gone through and deleted several emails that I knew were not working. Will also be collecting email addresses at our upcoming Steering Committee & Workgroup meetings so that we have a current and correct email for all of our partners.
I also wanted to inform everyone that the TCEQ will be hosting three RESTORE Act meetings along the Gulf Coast with one in Brownsville at the UTRG Campus on December 3, 2018. See below
Toby Baker, Executive Director of TCEQ and Governor Abbott’s appointee to the RESTORE Council, will host three meetings in December 2018 to receive input from the public on priority issues along the Texas coast, as well as Gulf-wide. The intent of this initial series of public meetings is to gather information to inform Baker’s discussion with the RESTORE Council members as they deliberate on the development of a priority framework document for the Gulf coast.
A draft of the framework document will be published by the RESTORE Council for public comment in early spring 2019. The framework document will offer guidance for later discussions (public meetings in late spring of 2019) on the types of projects that could be considered for funding under the Council-Selected component of the RESTORE Act, referred to as Bucket 2.
The purpose of the December meetings is to provide the public an opportunity to actively engage in developing a list of priorities that consider, in a coordinated and collaborative manner, the ecosystem restoration needs and concerns of the Texas coastal area.
At each of the December meetings, Baker will provide an overview of the Bucket 2 planning process. Additional information on priorities that has been compiled, and the RESTORE Bucket 2 eligibility requirements, will also be presented. However, the significant focus of these meetings is to receive input from the public to assist in the development of priorities for the Gulf coast area.
Brownsville – Dec. 3rd
6:30 - 8:30 PM
University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Salon Cassia
One West University Blvd
Brownsville, TX 78520
Corpus Christi - Dec. 4th
6:30 - 8:30 PM
A&M Corpus Christi
University Center
Anchor Ballroom A
6300 Ocean Drive
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
Galveston – Dec. 10th
6:30 - 8:30 PM
A&M Galveston
Classroom Laboratory Building (CLB)
Building 3007, Room 100 (Auditorium)
200 Seawolf Parkway
Galveston, TX 77553
Periodically visit the Texas RESTORE website to receive updates on Texas RESTORE program related activities, the December public meetings and the public meetings that will be scheduled in the spring. Also, use the “contact us” button on the, Texas RESTORE website, to submit any questions.