September 17, 2018 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners,
We were fortunate and did receive some much needed rain without any major flooding. It looks like we might dry out for a bit before the next disturbance coming off of Cuba enters the Gulf. We can only hope this turns out to be just a “rain maker” and nothing too serious. I hope the folks dealing with Florence survive the storm and unprecedented flooding. They have a long way to go before they will be able to assess the total impact of the storm.
I want to remind everyone about the upcoming meeting;
*Arroyo Colorado Partnership Steering Committee Meeting Announcement*
Meeting to be held on September 20, 2018 from 2 – 4 pm
The Arroyo Colorado Watershed Partnership will be hosting an Arroyo Colorado Steering Committee meeting on September 20, 2017 from 2-4 pm at The Estero Llano Grande World Birding Center located at 3301 S. FM 1015 at Pauraque Hall in the rear of the park. We will be discussing Workgroup updates, upcoming Workgroup meetings and upcoming grant opportunities. We will have hard copies of the Update ACWPP available at the meeting for everyone that attends.
Jaime Flores, P.G.