August 20, 2019 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners,
It has been brutally hot since the Flooding event last month. We are breaking records with triple digit temperatures on a daily basis. I hope this is not the new normal here in the Valley. Cotton harvesting is in full swing with farmers trying to complete harvesting before any September rain. Good Luck everyone!
I want to announce 2 upcoming Irrigation Management and Technology Workshops.
Cameron County San Benito Annex: Extension Meeting Room
1390 W. Expressway 83, San Benito, TX
September 25th, 2019
Echo Hotel and Conference Center: Vista Room
1903 South Closner Blvd. Edinburg, TX
September 26th, 2019
These free producer program will highlight current irrigation management techniques and technologies available to growers that have the potential to add efficiency to their operations and conserve water resources. Discussion items will include irrigation scheduling, irrigation management techniques, new technologies available to the grower and salinity management. Economics and value of irrigation water will also be highlighted. Options for chemigation and fertigation discussion will provide 1 hour of CEU credit for TDA pesticide applicator license holders. Technical and financial assistance opportunities and resources available to producers will also be discussed.
Please Register by September 20th at twri.tamu.edu/irrigation
I hope to see you there.
Jaime Flores, P.G.