October 3, 2019 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners,
It looks like it is shaping up to be a wet Fall and Winter. It has been raining for the on and off for the last 3 weeks and in between the rains, the temperature is still reaching +90*. We sure could use some more rain. The weather prognosticators are predicting a cold front for Monday that should trigger even more rain. We will wait and see. We have a great workshop coming up, see below.
3rd annual Rio Grande Valley brush and forage management workshop set for Oct. 15
The third annual Rio Grande Valley Brush and Forage Management Workshop is set for 8:30 a.m. Oct. 15 at the San Luis Ranch, on Farm-to-Market Road 1017, 5.5 miles off of U.S. Highway 281, outside of San Manuel-Linn.
This free half-day field day is co-hosted by the Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB), U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS) and Farm Service Agency (USDA FSA), Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Prairie View A&M University Cooperative Extension Program.
This is great opportunity to meet local state and government agencies from the Rio Grande Valley who are there to help with financial and technical assistance with on-farm best management practices for range and pasture lands.
A free sponsored lunch will be provided.
Topics and speakers include:
- Megan Clayton Texas A&M Extension Specialist: using chemicals to control brush and weeds,
- Jose “Pepe” Martinez USDA NRCS: prescribed grazing and stocking rates,
- Vivian Garcia USDA NRCS: forage inventory,
- Benny Martinez Corteva REP: Corteva Agriscience update and
- Program updates by USDA’s NRCS and FSA and TSSWCB.
1-Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education credit will be available for attendees.
I hope to see you all there.
Jaime Flores, P.G.