September 10, 2019 Update
Hello Arroyo Partners,
We have been receiving some very much needed rain. You can almost set your clock to it; opening day of white-wing season in the Valley, and it rains! At least we got the first day of hunting in before the rains started. The weather prognosticators are predicting a wet fall and winter for the RGV. I hope that they are right.
I wanted to let everyone know about 3 upcoming events where we need volunteers!
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming events:
Rio Reforestation 28!
Celebrate another year of restoration in the RGV at Rio Reforestation 28!
This year we are planting 12,000 seedlings on 17 acres that will become homes to native wildlife such as the endangered ocelot and over 400 species of migratory birds! For more info contact: Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge 956/784-7500
Directions: From HWY-281 parking is located 5.4 miles east on TX-186.
From HWY-77 parking is located 18 miles west on TX-186.
Google Maps link: https://goo.gl/maps/5t8qgPBJ8WT2
4th. Annual Rockery Island Cleanup
Saturday, October 26, 2019, 8:00 to 12:00 In Arroyo City.
Help clean trash, debris, and discarded fishing gear from the shorelines of important bird nesting islands in the Lower Laguna Madre!
*Limited boat space -please RSVP to Stephanie@cbbep.org*
Arroyo Colorado Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count
The Arroyo Colorado Audubon Society is announcing that it will be hosting the Christmas Bird Count on January 4, 20120. Additionally, the Harlingen Christmas Bird Count now has it's own email list. If you wish to participate or receive information about the January 4, 2020 Harlingen CBC, whether you are a previous or new participant, please take the time to send an email to the following: hgtxcbc@gmail.com.
I hope to see you out there at all of these outstanding events.
Jaime Flores, P.G.