26th Annual Rio Grande Valley Cotton & Grain Pre-Plant Conference
Hello Arroyo Partners,
Happy New Year to everyone. It has been a mild but wet winter so far. The weather prognosticators are predicting that there will be more rain coming over the next couple of months. I hope that they are right.
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming event:
The 26th Annual Rio Grande Valley Cotton & Grain Pre-Plant Conference
The conference will be held on January 14th 2020 at 8:00 AM at Rio Farms in Monte Alto, Texas
8:00 AM - Registration, coffee, and breakfast tacos
Come early to visit!
First Speaker at 9:00 AM
3 TDA CEU'S will be offered
Lunch will be provided and is sponsored by Allied Industry Partners
Cotton & Grain Market Update & Marketing Strategies for 2020
Dr. John Robinson, Extension Economist - Cotton Marketing, College Station
Dr. Samuel Zapata, Assistant Professor & Extension Economist - Weslaco
Cotton Varieties for the Rio Grande Valley
Dr. Josh McGinty, Extension Agronomist, Corpus Christi
Precision Management of Nutrients and Weeds in Grain Sorghum
Dr. Ronnie Schnell, Associate Professor & State Cropping Systems Specialist, College Station
Herbicide Tolerant Grain Sorghum Technologies
Dr. Josh McGinty, Extension Agronomist, Corpus Christi
Sustainability in the Marketing of U.S. Cotton
Bill Norman, Vice-President of Technical Services, National Cotton Council
Update on the RGV & Northern Mexico Boll Weevil Eradication Programs
Patrick Burson, Chief Administrative Officer, Texas Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation, Abilene
For more information contact:
Marco Ponce, CEA - Ag. (Cameron Co.) 956-361-8236
Vidal Saenz, CEA - Ag. (Hidalgo Co.) 956-383-1026
Matthew Rodriguez, CEA - Ag. (Willacy Co.) 956-689-2412
Omar Montemayor CEA-Ag. (Starr Co.) 956-487-2306
Persons with specials needs, please call 1-800-638-8239
I hope to see everyone there.
Jaime Flores, P.G.
Arroyo Colorado Watershed Coordinator
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Texas Water Resources Institute
2401 East Highway 83 | Weslaco, TX 78596
Tel. 956.969.5607 cell 956.495.5532 | Fax. 956.969.5639