RGV Water Conservation & Management Virtual Workshop
Hello Arroyo Partners,
This is just a friendly reminder that the Sustainable Agriculture Program will be hosting a RGV Water Conservation & Management Virtual Workshop tomorrow on July 2, 2020. The workshop is free so be sure to sign up for this great educational program! The Agenda is listed below.
Water Conservation Workshop Agenda
July 2, 2020
(Via ZOOM) distance learning
9:30 a.m. Join on line for set up & preparations
10:00 Welcome, Ronnie Zamora, EA CEP-AgNR, Willacy County
10:05 Overview of Texas Water Development Board, Cameron Turner, Ag Water Conservation
10:35 Update from the Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board, Ronnie Ramirez, Planner
10:40 Updates from the NRCS, Sonny Vela, NRCS Program Specialist
11:10 Update of the Texas Water Resource Institute, Victor Gutierrez, Extension Associate, Arroyo Colorado Watershed Protection Plan
11:15 The Values of Irrigation on the Rio Grande Valley, Dr. Samuel Zapata, Extension Economic Specialist
11:45 Question & Answers
Jaime Flores, P.G.
Arroyo Colorado Watershed Coordinator
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Texas Water Resources Institute
2401 East Highway 83 | Weslaco, TX 78596
Tel. 956.969.5607 cell 956.495.5532 | Fax. 956.969.5639