Novel Citrus Management Practices for Sustainable Water Use Webinar
Hello Arroyo Partners,
I wanted to inform everyone about the upcoming workshop. Marco Ponce, CEA – Agriculture sent the attached flyer for the upcoming Novel Citrus Management Practices for Sustainable Water Use Online Webinar on Thursday, September 17th from 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM.
For more information, please view the flyer.
To register please click here - Sept. 17 - Novel Citrus Mgmt. Practices for Sustainable Water Use
Registered attendees will receive log-in instructions directly via email at the address provided during the registration process.
Jaime Flores, P.G.
Arroyo Colorado Watershed Coordinator
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Texas Water Resources Institute
2401 East Highway 83 | Weslaco, TX 78596
Tel. 956.969.5607 cell 956.495.5532 | Fax. 956.969.5639