Sustainable Agriculture Programs-Improving Forage Management Virtual Program
Hello Arroyo Partners,
Please make note of the correct date for this program-10/8/20. I had listed the wrong date on my previous email.
I wanted to announce the next Sustainable Agriculture Program-Improving Forage Management Virtual Program scheduled for October 8, 2020 from 9:00-11:30 am. Topics include:
Brush Control on Pastures (Dr. MeganClayton, Range Specialist, Texas A&M AgrilifeExtension Service)
Pasture Rainfall Insurance Decision Making Tool (Dr. SamuelZapata, Economist, Texas A&M AgrilifeExtension Service)
Forage Planning & Farm Design (Mr. Henry Gonzalez, USDA NRCSConservationist- Willacy County)
Register here.
For More information please contact CEP EA-Ronnie Zamora, Willacy County Office PH: (956) 689-2412 Email: rrzamora@pvamu.edu or Ronnie Ramirez Conservation Planner TSSW Harlingen TX, (956) 421-5841 Email rramirez@tsswcb.texas.gov
Jaime Flores, P.G.
Arroyo Colorado Watershed Coordinator
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Texas Water Resources Institute | twri.tamu.edu
2401 East Highway 83 | Weslaco, TX 78596
Tel. 956.969.5607 cell 956.495.5532 | Fax. 956.969.5639