Soil & Forage Management Virtual Workshop
A Soil & Forage Management Virtual Workshop is to be held on September 30, 2021. The workshop is free.
Sustainable Agriculture Program-Soil & Forage Management Virtual Workshop
Topics include:
Understanding the Pasture, Range, and Forage (PRF) Program (Dr. Samuel Zapata, Economist, TexasA&M Agrilife Extension Service)
Reading a Soil Analysis & Use of Fertilizer Calculator (Dr. Tony L. Provin, Professor and SoilChemist Soil and Crop Sciences Texas A&M AgriLifeExtension Service)
Soil Web GIS Platform (Dr. Richard Griffin, Proffesor& Research Scientist, Prairie View A&M University)
Control of the Bermuda Stem Maggot (Dr. Holly Davis,Entomologist, Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service)
For More information please contact CEP EA- Ronnie Zamora, Willacy County Office PH: (956) 689-2412. Email: rrzamora@PVAMU.EDU or Ronnie Ramirez, Conservation Planner TSSW Harlingen TX. PH: (956) 421-5841. Email: rramirez@tsswcb.texas.gov